Ecological Stoichiometry Cooperative
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Category | Word | Source | Definition |
Body_Size_Measure | AFDM | Ash Free Dry Mass. Mass of sample after the dried sample is oxidized (ashed) in a muffle furnace at high temperature and re-weighed. The loss upon oxidation is referred to as AFDW. | |
Body_Size_Measure | Carbon | Mass of carbon of a sample | |
Body_Size_Measure | Dry | Mass of sample after water content has been removed. | |
Body_Size_Measure | Wet | Mass of sample before water content has been removed. | |
Ecosystem_type | Lake | USGS | Where surface-water runoff (and maybe some groundwater seepage) have accumulated in a low spot, relative to the surrounding countryside. |
Ecosystem_type | Pond | EPA and USGS | A small body of still water formed naturally or by hallowing or by embankment. Shallow enough to contain only photic zones. |
Ecosystem_type | Reservoir | An artificial lake, or river whose outlet is intentionally dammed for the purpose of containing water in the form of a lake. Containing aphotic zones. | |
Ecosystem_type | River | EPA | A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream. |
Ecosystem_type | Saline Lake | USGS | An endorheic lake (without an outlet) resulting in a saline water body (1,000 ppm or greater). |
Ecosystem_type | Stream | EPA | A general term for a body of flowing water; natural water course containing water at least part of the year. Includes intermittent, ephemeral, and perennial streams. Distinguished from a river as being in the 1st-4th order size class, and generally considered "wadeable." |
Ecosystem_type | Wetland | EPA | Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. |
Ecosystem_type | Coastal | ||
Habitat_type | Benthic | The ecological region at the lowest level of a body of water | |
Habitat_type | Littoral | The region of high-water mark to low-water mark | |
Habitat_type | Pelagic | Science Direct | Termed as a near water environment, especially water close to land that is affected by runoff and the influence of tides. |
Habitat_type | Riparian | Nature | The zones adjacent to rivers and streams, known as riparian zones. These include river banks and floodplains. |
Sample_Pooling | multiple_individuals | Sample is taken from multiple organisms | |
Sample_Pooling | subsample_composite | Sample is taken from a section of an organism's body | |
Sample_Pooling | whole_individual | Sample is taken from the whole body of an individual organism | |
Statistical Pooling | Aggregate | The reported observation is from a summary of multiple observations (i.e. mean or median) | |
Statistical Pooling | Independent | The reported observation is from a single measure of the sample | |
Type_organism | Fish | Aquatic, craniate, gill-bearing animals that lack limbs with digits | |
Type_organism | Insecta | ||
Type_organism | Mollusca | ||
Type_organism | Annelida | ||
Type_organism | Amphibian | ||
Type_organism | Crustacean | ||
Type_organism | Periphyton | Also known as biofilm living attached to substrata. All benthic options, epilithon, microphytobenthos, benthic algae, cyanobacteria (benthic) | |
Type_organism | Seston | Science Direct | The particulate matter suspended in bodies of water such as lakes and seas. It applies to all suspended organisms/organic material. Examples: SPOM, phytoplankton, cyanobacteria (suspended) and bulk plankton (no distinction between phytos and zoops). |
Type_organism | Detritus (FPOM) | Science Direct | Fine Particulate Organic Matter. Organic particles in the size range of >0.45 to <1000 μm that are either suspended in the water column or deposited within lotic habitats; including sediment organic matter. |
Type_organism | Detritus (CPOM) | Science Direct | Course Particulate Organic Matter. Organic particles larger than 1 mm in size suspended in the water column or deposited within lotic habitats; including leaf litter, leaves, wood, litter. |
Type_organism | Detritus (Other) | Bulk pom and any pom that doesn’t classify size.This includes flocculant detrital material. | |
Type_organism | Macrophyte | An aquatic plant, large enough to be seen with the naked eye | |
Type_organism | Invertebrates (Other) | Flatworms, arachnida, echinoderms, numertean, porifera, chelicerates, cnideria, echinodermata & etc. | |
Type_organism | Microbial (Other) | Examples: microbial mat, fungi. Non-photosynthetic or heterotrophic | |
Trophic_status | Eutrophic | EPA | An aquatic system with high nutrient concentrations, which fuels algal growth. This algae eventually dies and decomposes in a process that reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. |
Trophic_status | Mesotrophic | EPA | An aquatic system that is somewhere between eutrophic (nutrient enriched) and oligotrophic (nutrient poor). |
Trophic_status | Oligotrophic | EPA | A water body or habitat with low concentrations of nutrients. |
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) | The measure of dissolved organic carbon | ||
NO3 | Nitrate (NO3) | As elemental Nitrogen. | |
NH4 | Ammonium (NH4) | As elemental Nitrogen. | |
SRP | Soluble Reactive Phosphorus - dissolved inorganic phosphorus (orthophosphate) | As elemental Phosphorus. | |
Total Carbon (TC) | The sum of all forms of carbon in a sample | ||
Total Dissolved Phosphorus (TDP) | The measure of all dissolved phosphorus | ||
Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) | The sum of all inorganic carbon | ||
Total Nitrogen (TN) | The sum of all forms of nitrogen | ||
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) | The sum of all organic carbon | ||
Total Phosphorus (TP) | The sum of all forms of phosphorus | ||
Light_units | μmol_m2_s | Micromoles per square meter per second (μmol/m2s1) | |
Light_units | lm | Lumen | |
Light_units | lm_m2 | Lux, one lumen per square meter | |
Origin_Organism | epilithon | Science Direct | Attached to rocks |
Origin_Organism | epipsammon | | Attached to or moving through sand |
Origin_Organism | epipelon | | Attached to mud |
Origin_Organism | phytoplankton | NOAA | Also known as microalgae, floating plant like (photosynthetic) organisms |
Origin_Organism | epiphyton | Science Direct | Attached to plants |
Origin_Organism | epixylon | | Attached to wood |
Origin_Organism | epiphyte | | Growing on plants |
Origin_Organism | epizootic | | Growing on animals |